One Brain Together


Middleground is a series of nine photography editions by Brian McHale. It is a companion collection to Obt., our digital collectible project. To mint, you will need an Ethereum wallet.



  1. Click "Connect Wallet"
  2. Connect your Ethereum wallet
  3. Select the number of tokens you would like to mint
  4. Click "Mint"
  5. Pay 0.01 ETH + gas fee
  6. Wait for confirmation - this should take 1-2 minutes

If minting was successful, you will see a message that says Successfully Minted Tokens. Once your tokens are minted, you can view and trade them by connecting your wallet to a secondary marketplace such as OpenSea. If you are having trouble minting, tell us about it on our Discord.


Middleground is an ERC-721 collection of nine 35mm photographs by Brian McHale. All photos were used as backgrounds in Obt., a digital collectible project by One Brain Together. There are 11 editions of each photo, with a randomized mint.

All Middleground collectors will have the ability to purchase a numbered hi-res print of their photo.
Collectors who mint three (3) Middleground tokens can redeem one (1) FREE hi-res print of the photo of their choice.
Collectors who mint five (5) Middleground tokens can redeem two (2) FREE hi-res prints of the photos of their choice.

Approximately half of the collection will be available for Obt. collectors to claim for free during a limited presale window; one per wallet address. The rest of the collection will be available to the public following this period.

Important Dates
Presale: November 20th, 2022
Public sale: November 22nd, 2022

Mint Information
Total Supply: 99
Presale Supply: 44
Price: 0.01 ETH (presale free for Obt. holders)
Secondary royalties: 10%

Join our Discord Server and verify your wallet to gain access to token-gated channels and roles.